Cyber Security Report 2014
Montag, 1. Dezember 2014
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At the end of 2014 the third ever published CSR, TRON-DELTA.ORG "Cyber Security Report 2014", was made available within this section. However as two years ago the 2014 report was also considered classified for legal and security reasons.

The CSR 2014 mainly covered the latest revelations in the intelligence sector also known as global surveillance disclosures (Wikipedia) by E. J. Snowden, G. Greenwald, L. Poitras and further individuals. Information on the present use of quantum computing and related technology like the NSA's Utah Data Center (ICCNCIDC) were also part of this CSR. Furthermore changes in malware development and new attack techniques especially in the field of human and social engineering were covered. The issue of ongoing problems with regards to GSM and UMTS security was also addressed within the report along with a coverage on the recent leak on the Gemalto attack. The CSR also included a prediction of the most likely future developments in terms of transnational organizations in cyber crime. Finally a bigger update on projects and future goals of TRON-DELTA.ORG was given. According to our 2015 mission statement it is our objective to independently commence projects and research in the field of cyber and information security and release articles which cover rarely discussed and published issues in this area. The organization seeks to improve security in the field of computer sciences. As an example there are ongoing plans to become more active in counter espionage as well as the developemnt of TCSEC B2/ITSK F4 compliant systems.

Due to legal reasons we are sadly unable to provide the public with the TRON-DELTA.ORG "Cyber Security Report 2014". As of December 31, 2014 the document was classified B1 (CONFIDENTIAL).
Zuletzt aktualisiert (Mittwoch, 1. April 2015)


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