Cyber Security Report 2012
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012
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At the end of 2012 the second ever published CSR, TRON-DELTA.ORG "Cyber Security Report 2012", was made publicly available within this section. Until that time we suggested our readers to have a look at some different annual security reports, like the "BSI- Lagebericht IT-Sicherheit 2011".

Among other things the CSR covers 2012's most discussed operating system and application flaws, and describes some mitigation strategies like BSD Capsicum in greater detail. Information on the present use of botnets in cloud computing plus related technology as a dominating factor, even confirmed by ENISA, are part of the CSR as well. Furthermore identity fraud as a new playground with its sophisticated structures is being covered along with a note on the increased number of mobile devices under attack. Another section of the report focuses on the statement on cyber security by German CCC officials published in 2011. The CSR also includes a prediction of the most likely future developments in terms of transnational organizations in cyber crime. Along with that an appreciation of specific future cyber crime activities, regarding economic and technical aspects alike, was attached to the report. Ultimately a short update on projects and future goals of TRON-DELTA.ORG was given, since there is indeed much our organization can do to make IT more secure, mainly by providing people with technology and information. As an example there are tangible plans to turn peoples attention to the various BSD related projects in progress at present.

Due to legal reasons we are sadly unable to provide the public with the TRON-DELTA.ORG "Cyber Security Report 2012". As of December 31, 2012 the document was classified B1 (CONFIDENTIAL).
Zuletzt aktualisiert (Mittwoch, 1. April 2015)


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