
The questions or »frequently asked questions« (FAQ) section provides answers to the most important and frequently stated questions, received through e-mail and some other communication channels.
Q. I read the organization statement. Would you tell me, please, where the name TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) comes from and what it means?

A. Many people asked us that question and usually referred to TRON, a 1982 American science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, while others mentioned Prof. Dr. Ken Sakamura's TRON (The Real-time Operating system Nucleus), an open real-time operating system kernel design project started in 1984. Neither is applicable though, since TRON-DELTA.ORG plainly stands for »The DELTA (4th) assembly of The Ravensburg Operators Network«, an organization formed in the Ravensburg county in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Q. I would like to work for the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO). Where can I send my full application information to?

A. The TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) is a non-commercial organization of the third sector and as such will not advertise vacancies, i.e., insured and paid full-time employment. However you may still send in a resume or a link to your social networking profile via e-mail, since the organization provides opportunities for individuals with multiple backgrounds to engage in numerous activities. In the past members already benefited from these engagements to such a degree as they were offered full-time positions. Please also note that we do not accept letters of application sent to one of the official mailing addresses for security reasons.

Q. I have a technology related problem or I am in need of help by the police or an intelligence service. Can you help me in that situation?

A. It depends. We strongly suggest to call 911 within the US or 112 within the EU, when there is an emergency, and thus immediate attention is needed. In case of information technology and intelligence related questions or seek for advice please see the legal notice for contact details. Please note that since it is a free service offer there may be delays in processing requests. Of course we also appreciate feedback of any kind, whether subject related or not, preferably via e-mail.

Q. How can I contribute to the work of the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO)? What's the best way to support you besides membership?

A. Primarily the people at TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) prefer all forms of active participation in the projects and tasks of the organization. The administration of this organization also accepts voluntary financial contributions via PayPal only, if consistent with its aims and activities. Unfortunately, for security reasons under no circumstances can we accept donations in kind; e.g., computer hardware, office equipment, and vehicles. In addition to this, please note that we will not issue a receipt in any case.

Q. What is the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) political orientation? Are you engaged in any political issues at all?

A. The organization as a whole is non-ideological and not affiliated with any governmental political organization. It is a truly independent intelligence organization, which conducts research and provides information about actual events, analyzes circumstances of a case and further investigates when needed. Therefore we make very few policy prescriptions or advocacy statements. However we believe in the constitutional rights, first and foremost the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, and therefore reserve the right to reasonably express our opinion in due course.

Q. I have a project to advance the goals of the organization. Does the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) offer financial, logistical or alternative assistance?

A. It depends. Since this organization is an NGO, whose objectives are set by its directorates solely, it is indeed possible to execute projects and allocate resources at will. However new endeavors will only be approved by the administration in case they meet the mission and goal statement as declared for the organization. Besides, the administration will never consent to activities declared illegal with regard to domestic, European and international law.

Q. Although I read the organization statement, would you tell me please whether you are commercial and how you finance yourselves?

A. The TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) is an organization of the third sector, whose members are engaged in the field of technology with a strong focus on intelligence. We think that is similar to being active within organizations like e.g., the Free Software Foundation or some different charitable nonprofit foundation. Most members of the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) have paid full-time jobs within the private sector or the government, while only a few notable exceptions exist like e.g. students. In general members as well as external benefactors may contribute to this organization financially.

Q. How can I become an IT specialist, "hacker" or intelligence officer? Can the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) somehow help me with that, like e.g. train me on site?

A. It depends. By definition the organization as such is not an institution of education. Thus we do not offer courses in computer sciences or intelligence 101. As described within this FAQ though, the organization allows people to contribute to various projects. Also it has an IT infrastructure to maintain and therefore gladly accepts related inquiries. Further we do not distinguish between student, intern or full member, since the only relevant criteria is a members actual amount of responsibility within the organization.

Q. Can you name a few things that make the organization different from intelligence services like NSA or clubs like the German CCC?

A. Since the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) is non-governmental it does not receive instructions from a higher federal authority. That in turn means the administration of this organization is free to initiate tasks and execute projects at its discretion, similar to other nonprofit organizations. Also since the domestic law does not prescribe a specific statute that results in even more freedom. Unlike other technology related associations or clubs this organization also engages in rather delicate and complex matters.

Q. I thoroughly read the articles on your website and also looked at other sources like Twitter. Can you tell me where projects and operations are documented?

A. The official website of the organization includes a projects and an operations section, where most organization-related ones are listed. However, that list is somewhat incomplete since there are more projects and operations in progress. Internal records indicate that members of this organization worked on 30+ projects, more than 20+ operations and over 100 tasks over the years. Some worth mentioning are the contributions to »LibreSSL«, »Quantum DESPAIR«, the »Ubuntu« operating system, »Octopussy« or the »« computing projects.

Q. Does the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) maintain any relationships at all, with intelligence services like BND, NSA or Arcanum, Hakluyt and Stratfor?

A. No. The administration of the TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) does not maintain such relationships at present. Furthermore our policy is not to cooperate with a foreign power. In case of an emergency, like e.g., a cyber war or terrorist attack with peoples lives at risk, we would however accept and process requests of domestic intelligence services like BND or BfV. The TRON-DELTA.ORG / ✛ΔO (NGO) would likewise send a formal request, to one of the domestic intelligence services if absolutely necessary.
Xubuntu SE


  2022-01-08 ✴ 20:00 UTC




  ᐊ 1&1 INTR. AG  CDN


Should ✛ΔO engage more in counter-intelligence?
∘ Yes, there is a need for such operations.
∘ No, because it may be very dangerous.


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©  2003 - 2025   TRON-DELTA.ORG  (NGO)   –   Nongovernmental  Intelligence  Organization
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